
The sixteen bluess

SO this is it! i'm definitely getting into a real bad mood this few days, as another word that i'm in a vulnerable state >.<
What's the problem with all those dudes? i just dont feel like it when people around started to insult , criticise & shoot me like SHIT?! enough of being such an idiot likewise a fucker. [ for those who was actually reading this post, pls dun fault me for being rude, it's juz a symbolic way to air out rubbish emotions that have been irritating me now and then]
ok the topic for today was FRIENDS!! i've been mentioning this topic a dozen of times, so this will be my 2nd series. You know all these time i'm being depressed, angry, annoyed, frust.... wtv! mix up emotion, therefore i've found something interesting about the term "friend". ahhha, its simply foolish and stupid that u're trying to be naive and honest to your very very close friends which they actually betrays you at the back of you with all sorts of awful gossipings?! consequences happens when you accidentally revealed the truth, sometimes it isn't tat bad to believe your very own intuitiveness that have been going a good/bad feeling throughout the rest of your day =.= by then, obstacles BOMBED! just like that, between a blinked of ur eye?
The reality came upon me that someone is superficially trying to tell me something about the other person that have been suspecting me for doing some nuisance. In contrary, you dont have the right to suspect my personalities! YOU dont really have to do that either, we are always friend and you know i care about you unless you've done something which nerves me way high up!! excuses was not at all in my dictionary. although you're my very very close friend once again. Let me tell you this, i'm not a friend that you can make use of easily, dont see me wrongly! thats not right anyway. But somehow, you managed to look through your mistakes and that i dont think it'll last nor immitates you. I'll try my very best to show you the way i perform my attitude without frust though it seems useless for me by doing all these crap. Because when every friggin time that i'm trying to tell myself ( CHILLED, CHILLED, CHILLED! everything's gonna be alright) hahaha, do you think mind-controls always work? NO, i did'nt managed to supress it!! end up without any dignity prob, i decided to let my mood move forward for the sake of preventing hidden misunderstanding. However ppl's perception occasionally bothering me , this shows that i get influenced dashly. A new disease named: Influenza S :/ I here by determined that i really am disgusts with rumours. Also affairs between friends -.- i have no other reason to forgive nor blame. Trust me: friends need you when they are not needed; whereas friends need not you when they're needed!! there's always an unreachable distance between friends, afterall its a prey-predator world! that nothing to be surprise of?
Gotta dash!
Au Revoir =)

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